Covering commercial and large residential properties.
Grange Heating have undertaken project management of mechanical service installations up to the value of £2.5m.
We can either manage your contract, sub-contract, or project manage the whole thing.
With project management we can handle all sizes of installations up to £2.5m – either deploying our own staff or contracting out to specialist reputable companies.
We are also available as specialist sub-contractors to the main contractor.
We are experienced in overcoming difficult installations and our expertise ensures a smooth delivery.
Previous Projects/Clients:
Government Buildings, Churches, Shopping Centres, Factories, Residential Apartment Blocks, English Heritage Sites

We have carried out project managment of the New College, Oxford – a historical building with a complete new mechanical service installation. The contract period on this project was 4 months. Due to the historical nature of the building the installation work had to be carried out with great consideration to the building fabric. The surrounding campus was in operation so installation work was kept at low noise levels.

The most notable project we have undertaken in the past is the Arndale Centre in Wandsworth. This involved the complete mechanical service refurbishment of 132 flats including steel heating riser mains. The project lasted for 18 months. All the residential flat heating remained in operation throughout the mechanical refurbishment works. The project was occupied which meant Grange Heating had to provide a complex solution.
Harewood End
Feathers Hotel
Grange Farm
Sudbury House